Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Time Is Here....Where Is The Good Cheer?

Last night I had a conversation with a Facebook friend and fellow small business owner about Christmas, the origins of Christmas, Christianity, and why everyone else is going to hell.  (For the record, I disagree with that last statement)

I woke up today and got all heated again about the conversation.  I pondered it for a minute then I realized.... you can't get to everyone.  I mean, shoot, there are people out there who think the Holocaust didn't actually happen despite overwhelming evidence.  Some people are quick to condemn others for their beliefs but then when fact comes to fiction, they are quick to pull the victim card.   I know for a fact that most religions are taught with the goal of bettering the individual as well as the community.  The majority of the teachings are the same only in different gift wrap.  What I can't stand is people who believe that THEIR religion (or God) is the ONLY correct choice.  I disagree.   I also don't like the "you either agree with me or you're going to hell' mentality.   Again, I respectfully disagree.  I know that what I choose to believe is what is common ground in almost EVERY god-fearing religion out there.  Be a good person and help out your fellow man.   I guess there's always bad apples in every religion, from the suicide bombers wishing to get to their virgins in heaven -- to the christian who believes that anyone with a differing view is slated for hell.  

I choose to believe that God will judge the individual on their actions, life choices, and general life choices.  Is that vague?  Yes.  Do I think I need to be dunked in a muddy lake to secure that 'spot'?  Nope... because that's also pagan symbolism brought into Christianity.  I read an article last night about how Christmas itself is celebrating false idols as Jesus is the son of God, not God himself and we should not be celebrating his birth.  (Hello Puritans!)  I find that thought interesting as part of the conversation was also about how presents and Santa were celebrating false gods.   Listen.... I get that Santa isn't in the Bible.  But, he was a man who according to legend helped families in need.  I can (and do!) support that.  THAT is being a good person.  

Furthermore, the Bible wasn't written BY God.  It was written by MEN... with divine intervention. (If that's what you choose to believe)

I know that my comments and this post will not even make a dent in the bad blood between the warring religions of the world.   But I think that if we all just agree to be better people, focus on ourselves as individuals and bettering ourselves, help out within our communities and assist those in need.... the world would be a better place.   We don't need to bash people who have different views.  

The one thing I took away from the conversation last night is that this girl isn't secure in her faith.  There were a lot of contradicting statements thrown out by this one individual last night.  I only pray, for her sake, that she's right.  Because honestly, I wouldn't want to explain to MY God why I was condemning people to hell and telling them they believed in a satanic religion.    I think that people get so caught up in the 'reason for the season' that they forget what their REASON was trying to do with his life and teachings -- promote good cheer, being a good person, helping out those less fortunate, and being happy.  Why can't we all just get along and agree that this time of year is special to many of us for VARIOUS reasons and that it's a warm, fuzzy time to celebrate your beliefs.   Just remember, in your celebrating, that people may have differing views... that doesn't make them WRONG... just different.  Listen, learn, educate yourself, and you too might realize there's more to it than what you originally thought.

Here's a video that explains what I mean in more detail. (Don't worry - It's short)  (And, It's ME!  YAY!)

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays, and God Bless.


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