I found a new cat. Her name is Elsa. (Yes, from the new Disney movie - Frozen) I named her this because I found her on December 20th. It was cold and icy outside. Her paws had (and still have) frostbite and yet she didn't care. ("The cold never bothered me anyway") :)
She was skin and bones and covered -- and I do mean COVERED in fleas Yet somehow she was still trusting enough to let me pick her up and carry up to my apartment. <3
Home girl was lookin' ROUGH!
Here she is a mere 10 days later.
She had horrible diarrhea (I assume from not eating for so long) but it was nothing a sensitive stomach blend of food and plain yogurt couldn't fix. She (along with the rest of the pets) got Capstar to immediately kill those blasted fleas she was covered in. That stuff is NO JOKE. She hasn't had a flea since and luckily my apartment seems to be flea free. :)
She had horrible diarrhea (I assume from not eating for so long) but it was nothing a sensitive stomach blend of food and plain yogurt couldn't fix. She (along with the rest of the pets) got Capstar to immediately kill those blasted fleas she was covered in. That stuff is NO JOKE. She hasn't had a flea since and luckily my apartment seems to be flea free. :)
Because she's an unaltered 'queen' Myrrh cat caught the express train to Neuterville. He was neutered last monday - the 30th and given all his vaccines. I am holding off on spaying Elsa until she's got a little more meat on her bones and can handle the anesthesia.
Here they are meeting for the first time :)
Because she's still unaltered and Myrrh is evidently not considered sterile for another couple months... They're still being kept apart unless I'm there to supervise.... like the mean old teacher at the school dance. :) "Arm's length apart!"
I had a hard time with her name. I was pondering something more Christmas-y. But I am very strange with pet names.
I had a cat - Mouschi. That's the name of Peter's cat in the Diary of Anne Frank. I named her that because she has the 'M' marking on her forehead.
Myrrh also has the M.
I had Chinchillas -- Cherruve (Dragonfly in a South American dialect -- if I remember correctly) and Diamond
Sugar Gliders -- 2 girls, Mocha and Latte which I named. and 2 boys Bubba and .... I can't remember the other's name.... probably because the boys weren't technically mine and I didn't name them. Ha!
I've had lots of Rats. Audrey, Wilbur, Basil and Watson, Templeton.
And then there's the dogs::
Bella's name was Tinkerbell when I rescued her. (The rescue chose the name) It was a little too Paris Hilton-esque so I went with Bell(a). :)
Nygel's previous family called him Nitro. I wanted something that sounded similar...and America's Next Top Model happened to be on that day -- so his name is Nygel Barker. It's a pretty good dog name if you ask me :)
I put WAY too much though into pet names.... but it always brings me a lot of joy when someone says "Oh! that's a unique name" -- obviously I *never* hear that about Bella. *sigh*

Because she's still unaltered and Myrrh is evidently not considered sterile for another couple months... They're still being kept apart unless I'm there to supervise.... like the mean old teacher at the school dance. :) "Arm's length apart!"
I had a hard time with her name. I was pondering something more Christmas-y. But I am very strange with pet names.
I had a cat - Mouschi. That's the name of Peter's cat in the Diary of Anne Frank. I named her that because she has the 'M' marking on her forehead.
Myrrh also has the M.
I had Chinchillas -- Cherruve (Dragonfly in a South American dialect -- if I remember correctly) and Diamond
Sugar Gliders -- 2 girls, Mocha and Latte which I named. and 2 boys Bubba and .... I can't remember the other's name.... probably because the boys weren't technically mine and I didn't name them. Ha!
I've had lots of Rats. Audrey, Wilbur, Basil and Watson, Templeton.
And then there's the dogs::
Bella's name was Tinkerbell when I rescued her. (The rescue chose the name) It was a little too Paris Hilton-esque so I went with Bell(a). :)
Nygel's previous family called him Nitro. I wanted something that sounded similar...and America's Next Top Model happened to be on that day -- so his name is Nygel Barker. It's a pretty good dog name if you ask me :)
I put WAY too much though into pet names.... but it always brings me a lot of joy when someone says "Oh! that's a unique name" -- obviously I *never* hear that about Bella. *sigh*
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